Deputy Ruler of Dubai
On February 1, 2008, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum issued a decree appointing His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum as Crown Prince, and His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum as Deputy Ruler of the Emirate of Dubai.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
On September 25, 2021, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, announced the appointment of His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.
The UAE Cabinet is the third out of five federal authorities in the United Arab Emirates. The Cabinet carries out its executive role under the supervision of the President of the UAE and the Supreme Council, it is also in charge of all federal internal and external affairs. One of its key roles is to propose federal laws and draw up the state's public budget.
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for implementing all financial and monetary policies related to economic development in the UAE. Its primary responsibilities include preparing and allocating the federal budget and managing the financial status of the government.

Chairman of General Budget Committee
On October, 2021, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, announced the appointment of His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum as Chairman of the General Budget Committee of the Federation. The committee’s role is to achieve economic and social development through the optimal distribution and efficient use of resources within the framework of the federal strategy. It also plans and directs the spending to better serve the public’s interests and contributes to building a knowledge-based national economy. The committee also focuses on developing and managing the state's federal financial resources efficiently and effectively to provide the necessary funds for development programs and projects aimed at supporting the pioneering economic and financial model that the UAE holds.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Tax Authority
On October 12, 2021, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, announced the appointment of His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum as Chairman of the Federal Tax Authority.
The Federal Tax Authority is responsible for managing the collection and implementation of federal taxes, the distribution of its revenues, and the application of tax procedures within the country. The role of the authority also includes achieving economic diversification through the best financial practices, reducing dependence on oil resources in preparation for the post-oil economy, and enhancing the economic sustainability of the UAE.

Second Deputy Chairman of the Dubai Council
On January 4, 2020, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum formed the Dubai Council headed by His Highness, with His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed as the First Deputy of the Council and His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed as the Second Deputy Chairman of the Council.
The Dubai Council is tasked to lead the transformation in the emirate, supervise the governance of the economic and social system in Dubai, ensure its international competitiveness, economic leadership, and attractiveness as the best city in the world to live in, chart the vision of the next fifty years for the emirate, and ensure the best standard of living for its citizens, visitors and residents.
The Dubai Council also supervises the launch of major projects in the emirate, strives to open up new development sectors, foresees Dubai's future global opportunities, oversees the governance of governmental and semi-governmental companies, and follow’s up on the indicators of its global economic development.
Council members pursue six development tracks: Dubai's economy, citizen services, government development, security and justice, health & knowledge and infrastructure, urban planning & well-being.

First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council of Dubai
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed took over the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council of Dubai - headed by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad - following a decree issued by the Ruler of Dubai on August 14, 2008. The objectives of the Council are to make the Dubai government a global leader in government work and create a positive impact on society in the Emirate of Dubai. This is achieved by drafting the general policies of the Government of Dubai in various fields, developing Dubai’s strategic plan, supervising its implementation, and designing government services in line with the aspirations and future vision of the emirate.
The Executive Council also oversees the development of policies and the implementation of development plans that will improve the capabilities of the Emirate of Dubai, enact sustainable strategies and policies, integrate government services, promote the values of government excellence and adopt effective government communication strategies.

Chairman of the Court of His Highness Ruler of Dubai
In 2021, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, issued a decree appointing His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed as Chairman of the Court of His Highness Ruler of Dubai. This comes in light of His Highness' vision to enable opportunities, ensure competitiveness and achieving leadership excellence in Dubai.

Chairman of the Strategic Affairs Council of the Executive Council of Dubai
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed chairs the Strategic Affairs Council of the Executive Council of Dubai, which was established in December 2017 with the aim of supporting the higher policies and directions of the Emirate in all sectors, as well as the strategic objectives of the Dubai Plan and the Executive Council. It also proposes and approves plans, policies and initiatives that advance the priority sectors in the Emirate and propose recommendations to the Executive Council for approval, as well as develop governance systems, and promote economic and commercial activity in Dubai.

Chairman of the Higher Committee for Supreme Legislation Committee in Dubai
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed chairs the Supreme Legislation Committee in Dubai. This committee was established in line with the strategic plan of the Government of Dubai with the aim of regulating the process of issuing and reviewing legislation in the emirate through clear and effective procedures and methodologies. Stemming from its vision of enacting legislation that keeps pace with the times and reflects the needs of the future, the committee seeks to develop the legislative process, raises the quality and efficiency of legislation, and ensures the integrity and compatibility of its provisions with the Constitution, federal and local legislation.

Chairman of the Dubai Judicial Council
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed chairs the Dubai Judicial Council, which works to issue legislations, regulations, bylaws and decisions that help strengthen the role of the supervisory council over the judicial authority in Dubai. Council members seek to strengthen the judicial system in Dubai and guarantee the rights of people in accordance with the legal frameworks in force in the emirate. The Council works to develop the judicial system to ensure speedy completion of litigation procedures and to achieve transparency and integrity in the work of the judiciary in Dubai.

Chairman of the Higher Committee for Government Sector Development in Dubai
In 2020, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum issued a decree forming the Higher Committee for Government Sector Development in Dubai, headed by His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed. The tasks entrusted to this committee include approving the vision and strategic objectives of the government sector development project, under the general supervision of the Chairman of the Executive Council of Dubai, and ensuring that it proceeds in accordance with the plan, is aligned with government priorities and directions, and achieves the desired goals.
The committee is also responsible for issuing the necessary directives regarding any challenges that may hinder the completion of the government sector development projects at all stages. The committee also reviews and evaluates the outputs of the project, and submits the final outputs to His Highness Ruler of Dubai, or whomever he delegates for approval. It ensures the availability of financial and human resources, and the necessary data and information to implement the project and form committees and teams in accordance with decisions issued by the Chairman of the Higher Committee.

Chairman of Dubai Markets Supervisory Committee and specialised courts for capital markets in Dubai
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed chairs the Dubai Markets Supervisory Committee and specialised courts for capital markets in Dubai since October 31, 2021. The committee’s objective is to develop a comprehensive development vision for the financial markets and stock exchanges in Dubai to meet the requirements of the current stage and to underscore the leading position the emirate holds as one of the most prominent and leading financial markets regionally and globally.
The committee also focuses on the importance of taking advantage of local and international opportunities in the financial markets. It works to provide a business environment to position Dubai as the capital of the financial markets and stock exchanges, based on the advantages offered by Dubai and the UAE to investors and entrepreneurs; starting with advanced logistical and infrastructure, a flexible legislative framework, and a promising local market (including a large group of international companies and financial institutions.)

Chairman of the Higher Committee for Real Estate Planning in Dubai
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed chairs the Higher Committee for Real Estate Planning in Dubai, which was established under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. The committee is in charge of planning the real estate sector in Dubai, as well as develop a clear and thorough strategy to improve the real estate projects in the emirate, and enhance the competitiveness of the sector as a whole, given that it is a major driver of Dubai's economic progress.
The committee studies the needs of the real estate market to ensure projects are not duplicated and to avoid competition from large developers with small investors from the private sector. It also ensures new major projects provide a positive return on the overall economy of the Emirate.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dubai Investment Fund
On November 21, 2023, His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dubai Investment Fund by decree from His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, concerning the formation of the Board of Directors of the Dubai Investment Fund.
The Dubai Investment Fund is an independent investment management company aimed at growing the funds, surplus, and general reserves of the Dubai Government both locally and internationally. Its objective is to generate returns that benefit future generations, in accordance with best practices and investment policy approved by the institution’s Board of Directors.

Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dubai Investment Corporation
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed is the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dubai Investment Corporation, which is chaired by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed. DIC works to strengthen Dubai's ranking as one of the most competitive economies in the world, by investing in opportunities with high financial and operational yields in the long term. DIC contributes to the development and implementation of strategic investment plans and the application of corporate governance policies to achieve optimal benefit for the Emirate of Dubai in the long term.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dubai International Financial Center
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammad is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dubai International Financial Center, which was launched in 2004 as a financial free zone, serving as a special economic destination in Dubai and a financial hub for the Middle East, Africa and South Asia markets. DIFC has its own independent & internationally regulated regulator and judicial system. It aims to enhance growth opportunities, lay the foundations for the innovation and FinTech ecosystem, and consolidate Dubai's position as the vanguard of financial innovation. DIFC also strives to promote economic diversification in the emirate and cooperate with all its partners to uphold Dubai's position as a global financial hub.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dubai Development Authority
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Dubai Development Authority, which was established to manage the development of business, economy, municipality and workforce affairs in a group of free zones and other zones established by various major developers across the Emirate of Dubai.
DDA aims to enable work environments that support business excellence to promote the growth of Dubai's economy, focusing on three main tracks: real estate planning and development management, sector development, and regulatory services and licenses that regulate all strategic projects and industries. It has succeeded in developing its business, raising the pace of growth, planning and future development of Dubai's economy, and setting international standards for urban planning, real estate development, and municipal and commercial services within the areas it oversees.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dubai Real State Corporation
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed is the Chairman of the Dubai Real Estate Corporation (DREC), which owns and manages a large portfolio of properties and land owned by the Government of Dubai across the emirate. DREC’s projects span a variety of fields, including industrial, health, educational, office, retail and many other commercial activities.

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives
His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives. MBRGI was launched in 2015 as an umbrella, consolidating the various initiatives and institutions which had been active for over twenty years.
Today, more than 30 initiatives and institutions working in various humanitarian, community and development sectors fall under MBRGI. Its work and projects focus on underdeveloped countries and disadvantaged groups of underprivileged societies. MBRGI is the largest foundation of its kind locally and regionally, both in terms of the number of initiatives of an institutional nature under it or the geographical scope that its work covers.